Since the initial release, Wheelhouse CMS has been undergoing continual improvement. Whilst the focus has mostly been on bug fixes, I wanted to highlight a few new features that have been introduced in the latest version.


Unpublish pages

In case you accidentally publish a page that wasn't ready, it is now possible to unpublish a page or other resource (such as a blog post or form).

If a page is published, the Save Draft button becomes a dropdown menu from where the page can be unpublished.

Send-to-topSend to top/bottom for sortable lists

Inspired by 37signals' double-click scrolling margins, double-clicking the top or bottom half of the drag handle of sortable items (such as looped template items) now sends that item to the top or bottom respectively.

Remove image selection


One small final feature to round out the three — images defined in the templates can now be removed by selecting Remove Selection from the image chooser.

This can be useful if you want to remove an optional template image from the page, such as a banner image.

If you'd like to try Wheelhouse CMS, check out the 30-day free trial (no payment details required).